Medieval English genealogy: updates: 16 October 2004

This page contains brief details of the latest batch of updates to the site, and includes newly added and updated links. For brief details of these and older additions - without links, to make site maintenance easier - see the what's new page.



The long-awaited Oxford Dictionary of National Biography has been published. This is a revised edition of the standard reference work, and contains about 50,000 scholarly biographical articles on prominent people in the British Isles, including many from medieval times. The dictionary is available both as a printed edition of 60 volumes, and as an online subscription service for libraries and individuals. More information, and some free sample articles, are available on the ODNB website.

Meanwhile there have been two major steps forward in providing Internet access to older published medieval source material:

Several potentially useful books have been published recently:

New links

Updated links

Missing links

The following pages have recently become unavailable. Links to copies in the Internet Archive have been added where possible, but if anyone can tell me their present whereabouts, I'll be very grateful!