Medieval English genealogy: updates: 22 February 2005

This page contains brief details of the latest batch of updates to the site, and includes newly added and updated links. For brief details of these and older additions - without links, to make site maintenance easier - see the what's new page.

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If you are planning to write up your research for publication, you may be interested to know that the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy has recently announced The Charles F. H. Evans Award, an annual prize of £750 for the best unpublished article (of about 10000-15000 words) based on original research into medieval genealogy or prosopography. The Foundation is particularly keen that the Award should encourage new scholars. Further details are available on the Foundation's website.

Volumes of the Victoria County History continue to appear at a rapid pace on the British History Online website, together with draft texts on the VCH County Websites. The published volumes and the online material are a wonderful resource, but the work is only half complete, and funding for this kind of research is always scarce. Two of the VCH county teams are in urgent financial need following the withdrawal of public funding, and have launched appeals for assistance. Please click here if you are able to help in any way, no matter how small.

Two new potentially useful books have been published by Oxford University Press.

New content

David Hepworth has generously provided me with electronic versions of several lengthy papers on the Savilles and associated families, originally published in 1920s in the Yorkshire Archaeological Journal. These are well worth a look, not only for the very full details of the particular families described, but also because they contain transcripts of many documents, and illustrate the kinds of evidence that are useful in establishing medieval pedigrees.

I'm also grateful to the Dean of St Nicholas's Cathedral, Newcastle upon Tyne, for permission to reproduce the brass to Roger and Agnes Thornton (formerly at All Saints Church) together with associated information, which were kindly supplied to me by Bob Thornton.

In the main section of Some corrections and additions to the Complete Peerage, the following items have been added:

In the "proposed" section, the following item has been added:

The following items have been updated:

New links

Updated links

Missing links

The following page has recently become unavailable. A link to a copy in the Internet Archive has been added.